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100% Free Dating Site – Online Dating (that Works)

DateHookup.com is a 100% free dating site (you knew that already right?). Why does that matter? Well, besides the obvious benefit of being free for everything, we can have a lot of great features that pay sites don’t have. Pay sites are only concerned with one thing, getting you to pay. All we care about is you having a good experience using this site so you can tell your single friends to join!” ~ Date Hookup’s About Us page circa 2008.

What a Membership Includes
Date Hookup tries to keep their website simple, straightforward and without too many bells and whistles to confuse users. With this in mind, the site provides exactly what it attempts to: a place for singles to meet other singles without having to pay a membership fee.

List Of The New 2018 Free Dating In United State 100% Free Online

Therefore, all users have access to the same features: blog, customizable profile, forums, send and receive emails, custom search saving and a simple social networking option to ‘friend’ other users. There is no instant messaging feature on Date Hookup.

Potential users can peruse the entire site – including the date ideas and forums – without actually signing up for a membership. The profile process is quick and relatively simple, and doesn’t have minimum character rules when it comes to the written part of the process – a nice feature when trying to sign up and look around right away, but not-so-hot when you want to learn more about someone that has piqued your interest. Mind you Date Hookup is free, so it doesn’t take much to send off a quick email and learn more. If for whatever reason you decide to take a break from the site, you’ll be asked to reset your password once you sign in again.

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Dating Site For Free In Usa

An interesting feature that works surprisingly well is the interests portion of one’s profile; when you sign up, you’re asked to make a comma-delineated list of the things that you enjoy. Whether you list one item or many, every person that shows up in your search results later will then have your common interests listed below their profile. As well, you can perform searches just to find others with similar interests.

The search feature in general works well, and there are many options to find other users that fit your specific criteria. Just make sure that you change the automatically filled-in details before you search the first time, or else you’ll get a huge list of 18-30 year old women within 1000 miles of your own zip code – as I did the first time. Once I’d changed my search, I found well over a hundred eligible men in my geographic area, although I did note that even though I’d asked to be shown men within 100 miles of my area, I received a considerable number that were 100-150 miles away in my search results. (The second time I did this, years later, the same thing happened – although I now had more than 50 pages of eligible bachelors listed, and still in a larger geographical area than I’d specified).

List Of The New 2018 Free Dating In United State 100% Free Online

Free America Dating Sites

Some other notes of interest: the only options for search are heterosexual, gay or lesbian (zero options for bisexual, pansexual, or transgendered folks), the “Let’s Meet” column is little more than clicking on a Yes, No or Maybe to meeting someone, in the Advanced Tab, you have have your specialized search queries emailed directly to you periodically.