
Read Free Life In The No-dating Zone Patricia B. Tighe



After surviving her parents' relationship drama when her older sister elopes, Claire Gardner vows not to date during high school. Now, three years later, Claire is thrown into new relationship drama—her two best friends have boyfriends. Which means Claire is spending more and more time alone. And she's more than a little peeved.

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Life in the No-Dating Zone By Patricia B. Discover more books like Life in the No-Dating Zone Create your free account to help this book get discovered. Life in the Lucky Zone (The Zone #2) Patricia B Tighe Seventeen-year-old Lindsey Taylor lives a charmed life—always the lead in school plays, possessor of a healthy entourage and a hot boyfriend.

Read Free Life In The No-dating Zone Patricia B. Tighe

Read Free Life In The No-dating Zone Patricia B. Tighe Obituary

Enter Gray Langley. His year-long crush on Claire's friend Lindsey has made him desperate enough to ask Claire for help with pursuing Lindsey. Hesitant at first, Claire finally agrees—anything to get rid of Lindsey's current evil boyfriend. But as Claire and Gray plot together, Claire has to fight the sparks of attraction flying everywhere.

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Because she can't be with Gray unless she gives up her vow. And how can she handle the pain that'll come from confronting her parents with the reasons for that vow? Claire has to decide . . . unless, of course, Gray decides first.